Thursday, October 4, 2007
Cities. Homes. Bullshit.
I thought it'd be nice to wake up listening to Explosions In The Sky. I was right. My morning progressed into a shower which then somehow got me to school. How does the system of events occuring and passing work? I don't even know. English class was pretty boring but luckily the annoying girl that sits in front of me wasn't there. We had a rally at school which means nuitrition was 25 minutes instead of the regular 15. My friend had a very nice thing. I had some. The world came together like the communion of a purple sky. I made my way to class, everything seemed like its own still life yet it was passing so quick. A world on a tredmill. Tranquillity in a erosion. Enough with senseless bullshit. My forensics class was very very good but not academically. Yet, the time came and my feeling was gone and down. The rest of the school day seemed like such a drag. During my time at school, my plans for later in the day fell through. I'm apathetic about it for the most part, but it would've been nice. My two hours spent at my house were empty, a usual phase in my lifetime. Kyle and Melinda came over around 5 and we made a journey to newport to retrieve Kyle's iPod. Just spending time with such amazing people is worth life's bullshit. I came home and started thinking about stuff. I really want to go to Mexico and spend a week there. I just want to connect with my roots to my seed. Plant new ideas in my head. Maybe one day they can be trees. I want to ride a bike around and see the work of the Aztec's in Mexico City, then go down south to see the work of the Mayans. It all seems so beautiful and amazing. Maybe thats my home.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Career Options: 1) Tobacco Co. Executive 2) Abortion Clinic Doctor
Waking up today was no different than other school days. This can be both a good thing and bad thing. On the plus side, nothing bad happens. On the bad side, days just become unnoticable and you fall in a pattern. Today was yet another mininium day at school which affected my off period and made me leave the house earlier. Once at school my thinking was in a different state which made my day pass by. Like words coming out a mouth, gone soon was my day at school. I made my route home to change clothes and hang out with some friends. Laughs and smiles were present and we drove to hunigton and back to the home area. There isn't much to say about today. Well, my mom is at open house and I'm a little nervous about that because I don't want to get in trouble and don't know if I will and for what. Apparently she's upset because my brother and I didn't go with her but we aren't even suppose to. I hope my plans for tomorrow go through.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Rockerfeller Vacation To New Guinea
Damn, I havn't been keeping up the past two or three days. I began sunday morning by posting on this site. My mom then picked me up and I went home. At home I basically just sat around all day and did a project for my history class. Each student in the class was assigned an amendment and had to create a model of something the amendment protects or violates. I was assigned to do the 5th amendment - Due Process of Law. My model is about police brutality which abuses our 5th amendment. Police brutality is an on going problem in our society. It makes me sick because some piece of shit takes the laws into their own hand and puts themselves above another person. Just because you have a badge and high school education doesn't mean you get to beat on who ever. Most of these cases are linked to the racism, another problem that still exist. This was my model

At 8 I moved to my living room to watch the Rock of Love Season Finale. The show was so over the top ridiculous. I know it was a really bad show, I watched it for the pure insanity. Jess won and the stripper lose. How does she feel now since she got "Brett" tattooed on her neck. Class A dumbass. Hahaha. Anyways, Sundays are usually my lazy days. I usually don't do much if at all anything and nothing ever sticks out. WEll this Sunday something stuck out. I started conversing with a cute girl. Thats always nice and I find her to be really interesting and genuine. It'd be nice if she noticed soon that I'm not a douche like most guys. I think a majority of the population, male or female, are shitheads.
Monday soon transitioned into my life. I woke up and to my pleasure did not have a morning class. I decided to take advantage of the situation and smoked a few bowls before going to school. When I arrived at school I was still pretty high and found out I had to take an Algebra II test. I took it, still high, but it was pretty easy which is a good thing. I think I got an A on the test. I'm really trying to do well in school this year, I don't want to have to go through shit because of some stupid ass grades. I'd rather just do my work and avoid that whole mess. My day went on, I made my normal rotation from class to class. There are times wheremy days begin to blend together and I can't tell the difference between them. Welcome to life. I presented my police brutality model that day in history class and got positive feedback and it made the class think, something most people really don't do. I came home and continued my normal weekday afternoon cycle. Once again, nothing really stuck out except for a really good conversation. I hope more of those come my way because they really do make me happy. It'd be sad to be so bitter all the time, I really want to find joy.
I woke up this morning at my usual time. I don't understand time sometimes. In the first place it doesn't exist. Anything can be anytime. I'd like to go by my own time sometime. Then again if I did that I'd be of no use to our society and something would have to be done about me. "It's the way things are". Today was a mininium day at school and the day flowed by pretty well. My classes seem so pointless I don't really remember exactly what I did. But, I do remember that in Psychology we had to discuss animal testing. I said my opinions that oppess the action. Sometimes it feels as if I should just give up on the rest of humanity. Ignorance seems to be a very common trait in many. My classmates used the argument that humans are of "higher value" than animals which I find complete bullshit. Theres no fucking universal rule that says such a thing. If you want to play that game then look at our problems. Who caused global warming? Humans. Who causes every war? Humans. Who created nuclear weapons? Humans. Who kill in the name of false idols? Humans. Who show signs of greed and corruption through the capitalist system? Humans. Higher value, huh? I don't believe humans are evil are bad or born with sin. I think humans are born nuetral and later their enviroment influences their virtues. Such systems like capitalism and organized religion create bad virtues that will have humanity bring itself down. My day went on and up until one point I had something to look forward to but plans fell through. I'm not upset at the person nor blame them, I just look forward to the current plans set. I spent most of my afternoon pretending to do homework. I'm pretty sure I don't have any and thats pretty much a relief. My life seems to be looking up at the moment. I'm really beginning to feel a great amount of nostalgia. I miss being in a band even if mine was shitty. I just want to play shows and have shit together. I'm going to start a grind band up with two(?) friends of mine. In your face. In my way. Fuck you. That type of shit. My brother smoked me out once again today. I've noticed that a lot of my post have something to do with weed. I'm going to stop mentioning it. The fact of whether or not I do it or don't will be oblivious for the most part unless it was a big part of the story of my day. I've been watching a lot of atheist videos lately. I enjoy getting in debates about religion. I find religion to be nothing but a tool to control and something people believe in to feel comfortable and safe. I personally don't care about an individual's belief but people of "faith" always flaunt their beliefs and display their crosses, stars of david and what not that I feel if they act that way they can't tell me anything about how I'm up front about my beliefs. Sometimes I get the "well thats your opinion" thing. Well if you truly believe in something than you wouldn't call it an "opinion" but rather a reality. Its pretty much a sign of weakness if you regard something that you supposedly believe in so much as only an "opinion". I think what I beleive is the truth and reality so I am going to present it that way. Nevertheless, I don't hold anyone's value above someone elses' for whatever reason may it be beliefs, values, ect. I can't wait until a specific plan happens. Apparently my dog is a gremlin.
At 8 I moved to my living room to watch the Rock of Love Season Finale. The show was so over the top ridiculous. I know it was a really bad show, I watched it for the pure insanity. Jess won and the stripper lose. How does she feel now since she got "Brett" tattooed on her neck. Class A dumbass. Hahaha. Anyways, Sundays are usually my lazy days. I usually don't do much if at all anything and nothing ever sticks out. WEll this Sunday something stuck out. I started conversing with a cute girl. Thats always nice and I find her to be really interesting and genuine. It'd be nice if she noticed soon that I'm not a douche like most guys. I think a majority of the population, male or female, are shitheads.
Monday soon transitioned into my life. I woke up and to my pleasure did not have a morning class. I decided to take advantage of the situation and smoked a few bowls before going to school. When I arrived at school I was still pretty high and found out I had to take an Algebra II test. I took it, still high, but it was pretty easy which is a good thing. I think I got an A on the test. I'm really trying to do well in school this year, I don't want to have to go through shit because of some stupid ass grades. I'd rather just do my work and avoid that whole mess. My day went on, I made my normal rotation from class to class. There are times wheremy days begin to blend together and I can't tell the difference between them. Welcome to life. I presented my police brutality model that day in history class and got positive feedback and it made the class think, something most people really don't do. I came home and continued my normal weekday afternoon cycle. Once again, nothing really stuck out except for a really good conversation. I hope more of those come my way because they really do make me happy. It'd be sad to be so bitter all the time, I really want to find joy.
I woke up this morning at my usual time. I don't understand time sometimes. In the first place it doesn't exist. Anything can be anytime. I'd like to go by my own time sometime. Then again if I did that I'd be of no use to our society and something would have to be done about me. "It's the way things are". Today was a mininium day at school and the day flowed by pretty well. My classes seem so pointless I don't really remember exactly what I did. But, I do remember that in Psychology we had to discuss animal testing. I said my opinions that oppess the action. Sometimes it feels as if I should just give up on the rest of humanity. Ignorance seems to be a very common trait in many. My classmates used the argument that humans are of "higher value" than animals which I find complete bullshit. Theres no fucking universal rule that says such a thing. If you want to play that game then look at our problems. Who caused global warming? Humans. Who causes every war? Humans. Who created nuclear weapons? Humans. Who kill in the name of false idols? Humans. Who show signs of greed and corruption through the capitalist system? Humans. Higher value, huh? I don't believe humans are evil are bad or born with sin. I think humans are born nuetral and later their enviroment influences their virtues. Such systems like capitalism and organized religion create bad virtues that will have humanity bring itself down. My day went on and up until one point I had something to look forward to but plans fell through. I'm not upset at the person nor blame them, I just look forward to the current plans set. I spent most of my afternoon pretending to do homework. I'm pretty sure I don't have any and thats pretty much a relief. My life seems to be looking up at the moment. I'm really beginning to feel a great amount of nostalgia. I miss being in a band even if mine was shitty. I just want to play shows and have shit together. I'm going to start a grind band up with two(?) friends of mine. In your face. In my way. Fuck you. That type of shit. My brother smoked me out once again today. I've noticed that a lot of my post have something to do with weed. I'm going to stop mentioning it. The fact of whether or not I do it or don't will be oblivious for the most part unless it was a big part of the story of my day. I've been watching a lot of atheist videos lately. I enjoy getting in debates about religion. I find religion to be nothing but a tool to control and something people believe in to feel comfortable and safe. I personally don't care about an individual's belief but people of "faith" always flaunt their beliefs and display their crosses, stars of david and what not that I feel if they act that way they can't tell me anything about how I'm up front about my beliefs. Sometimes I get the "well thats your opinion" thing. Well if you truly believe in something than you wouldn't call it an "opinion" but rather a reality. Its pretty much a sign of weakness if you regard something that you supposedly believe in so much as only an "opinion". I think what I beleive is the truth and reality so I am going to present it that way. Nevertheless, I don't hold anyone's value above someone elses' for whatever reason may it be beliefs, values, ect. I can't wait until a specific plan happens. Apparently my dog is a gremlin.
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