Anyways, I don't really know how should I feel right now. Nothing in life is horrible right now, but its also not a sunny road. I don't know if it will ever be. I think people who seriously think life is the best thing ever are fooling themselves or forcing themselves to think that. How do people feel as they lay during their final moments of life expecting this "light" to take them away from the earth and all they get is the darkness that comes with eternal sleep. Fools.
Something that I have taken as the biggest joke ever is the city of Lakewood. I think a big piece of shit fell from space onto earth and people began to inhabit it and called it Lakewood. For the most part its full of the biggest douches I've ever seen. The school is pretty fucking bad too. The kids are fucking horrible. Cool girl pants. Cool hair. So your parents bought you a camera and you now think you can take good pictures. Go fuck yourself. So last year you were all about some stupid scene fad and now you're buy American Apparel and thinking you look cool. Go fuck yourself. I really hope one of the pieces of shit from Lakewood read this. I'm not sure if it's the stupid scene kids or the white trash bros that are worse. I really can't make up my mind. I think this is the only time I'll take the bros side because the fucking scene kids are too ridiculous. At least the bros don't bounce around shit cuming on one fad to another. I'll end the rant here.
Well I've uploaded some albums I think you'd enjoy (at least one out of the three).
Give Up The Ghost - We're Down 'Til We're Underground
This is probably the best hardcore album I've ever heard and I'll go as far as saying one of the top 5 best punk albums. So ridiculous how much this rules. The lyrics are amazing and so is the music. Band is fucking great.
Cap'n Jazz - Discography
Makes me feel like a kid.
Girl Talk - Unstoppable
People should party more.
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