Friday, September 28, 2007

Edge 4 Lyf3

I woke up almost 19 hours ago just to follow my regular routine. The relief that it was finally friday was enough motivation to go through the first part of my day. School didn't seem so bad today, it went by pretty fast which was nice. After my first period class, I bought a dub from my friend which turned out to be a really good deal and has me set for the weekend. I was a little hesitant to go around school possessing the sack even though I've done it many many times. In my next class the school annoucments went on and there was one regarding a "Ronald Reagan - Republican Club". Upon hearing it I questioned who were the ignorant pieces of shit in charge of that. I wrote down the day and room of the club so that my friends and I can pay a visit. After we go to that club I'm going to start a Socialist Club. Soon enough is was lunch and I made it out to the quad to find that KISS FM was at my school. It made me feel so fucking sick. The whole school was around the stage as if it was the most important thing ever to hit the earth. People just fucking get to me at times and this was one of those times. I don't even like talking about the rest of the day because it was so pointless.

My night was really good. I went over to a friend's where we smoked some weed and I got pretty high, something I always enjoy. I don't really have much to say. I had a good time and I am not listening to music. I still feel alone and which I could just meet someone. Maybe they don't exist and I'm just a fool. Fuck.

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